Due to the generous support and dedication to children of these individuals, the following ongoing memorial scholarship funds have been established in their names. We thank them and their families and friends, for their gifts to former foster children. If you wish to make a contribution to one of our memorial scholarship funds, please indicate which fund your contribution should be directed to.
Jo Frederick Memorial Scholarship
Patricia "Pat" Riley Memorial Scholarship
Dorothy McDonald Memorial Scholarship
Please visit our secure PayPal donation page to make an online contribution by clicking the button below or by sending a donation directly to FYEF's mailing address. Please include a notation in your donation concerning the person you are honoring with your donation.
“By awarding me the Foster Youth Education Fund grant, you have lightened my financial burden
which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school, learning. I look forward to the future when I will also be able to help struggling students reach their academic endeavors by assisting them in the same way you have helped me.”